Łukasiewicz – PIT signed letter of intent for Poznań CityLab

In 2025, the CityLab will open in Poznań. This is a city innovation laboratory where projects based on artificial intelligence or machine learning will be developed. Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology signed a letter of intent in this regard.
The agreement was signed on January 25 this year at the Enigma Cipher Centre. The signatories of the document were also the City of Poznań, the Centre for Artificial Intelligence at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity at Poznań University of Technology, the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center and the In_Spire Foundation.
The aim of the collaboration is to develop artificial intelligence to support administrative processes and provide modern digital services to the residents of Poznań. It also includes applying for external funding and education, by providing training and competence development related to AI technology.
Poznan CityLab will host initiatives such as an innovation lab, which will offer support in introducing and piloting digital projects. In addition, there will be a space for public consultations and the Poznań Welcome Centre, a space for permanent and temporary exhibitions showcasing the potential of the city and CityLab partners.
The laboratory will be established at the Poznań International Fair.